Performance issues...
I have been evalulating PDF Plus 7.62. Believe version is 7.62. I have noticed that there is a major performance degradation when I start using the markup tools, especially the highlighting tool, scrolling around the document seems to slow down. If I stay with the draw tools, I don't seem to see any slowdown. Is this something I am doing wrong or just the way the tools work? P.S. Today, I experimented with my display setup and found the cause of the above behavior. My system is a XP SP2 system with 2 graphics cards and 2 monitors. With this setup, the above behavior occurs. If I change my display settings to go back to a single monitor, the above behavior disappears. None of my other applications behaves this way with 2 monitors, only yours. [This topic edited by fsoen at 4/27/2005 2:43:19 PM ]