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 Topic:Performance issues...  

Re:Performance issues...

Could you download PDF Plus 7.81 and retry?

If the problems still exist, please contact
We will get back to you as soon as possible after receiving your mail.

By the way, we changed the enabling and activation procedure since version 7.77. Therefore you may not use your original serial number to enable or activate PDF Plus 7.81.
Please visit to see how to retrieve a new valid serial number, and then use the new one to enable and activate PDF Plus 7.81.

[This topic edited by znsupport at 8/2/2005 1:39:37 PM ]

8/2/2005 1:37:42 PM   Other topic By this author Quote this topic reply this topic
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Topic:● Performance issues...(1067 bytes) - fsoen,4/26/2005
    Replies:○ Re:Performance issues...(987 bytes) - znsupport,8/2/2005

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