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 Topic:questions about pdf gold  

Re:Windows Vista
The topic is posted byjmudrak at 4/17/2007 5:53:59 PM :

I recently installed Windows Vista.  My only problem is that I cannot "Print to File".  Is there a remedy for this?

Thank you for your time,

£?This topic edited by jmudrak at 4/17/2007 5:59:07 PM £Y

You can follow the steps below to "Print to file":

  1. Open the file with PDF Plus.
  2. Choose "File > Print..." and the "Print" dialog box will pop up.
  3. Select "DocuCom PDF Driver" from the printer list and check the checkbox before "Print to file" at the bottom of the dialog box.
  4. Click "OK" and name your file, then finish the print process.
4/19/2007 10:42:48 AM   Other topic By this author Quote this topic reply this topic
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Topic:● questions about pdf gold(550 bytes) - todd2052,2/28/2007
    Replies:○ Windows Vista(260 bytes) - jmudrak,4/17/2007
        Replies:○ Re:Windows Vista(889 bytes) - zeonsupp,4/19/2007
    Replies:○ Our new PDF Gold 8.10 support Vista very well.With...(1395 bytes) - zeonsupp,4/16/2007

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