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 Topic:questions about pdf gold  


Our new PDF Gold 8.10 support Vista very well.With 64 bit Operating System, you need to download and install 64 bit Gold 8.10 from:

At the moment, our PDF Gold cannot directly scan file to PDF file, and we'll add this feature in the PDF Gold 9. But now you can scan and save as image file(such as .jpg .bmp file), then convert to PDF by using PDF Driver or Direct.

With 64 bit PDF Gold 8.10, you can open PDF files through 64 bit IE, however, IE may block for its enhanced security feature. You may see two sorts of information bar.

1."This website wants to run the following add-ons 'Zeon Corporation' from 'Zeon Corporation(unverified publisher)'. If you trust the website and the add-on and want to allow it to run, click here..."

Click on the information bar and choose "run ActiveX Control".

2."To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this webpage from running scripts or ActiveX controls that could access your computer. Click here for options"

Click on the information bar and select "Allow Blocked Content...".

4/16/2007 5:20:32 PM   Other topic By this author Quote this topic reply this topic
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Topic:● questions about pdf gold(550 bytes) - todd2052,2/28/2007
    Replies:○ Windows Vista(260 bytes) - jmudrak,4/17/2007
        Replies:○ Re:Windows Vista(889 bytes) - zeonsupp,4/19/2007
    Replies:○ Our new PDF Gold 8.10 support Vista very well.With...(1395 bytes) - zeonsupp,4/16/2007

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