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 Topic:Turning off PDF Wizard Tool Bar in Word 2003  

Turning off PDF Wizard Tool Bar in Word 2003

I find the PDF Wizard toolbar in Word 2003 annoying and would like to turn it off.  However, every time I turn it off and exit and then restart Word, it reappears.  I don't have this problem in Excel 2003.

There are a few other things going on that may or may not be related (these are all Word 2003 Issues):

(1) The PDF Wizard toolbar always starts it's own line.  If I move the PDF Wizard toolbar and then restart Word, it doesn't retain the position that I set, but goes back to starting in its own line.

(2) Under "View" and then "Toolbars", if I turn off the "Docucom PDF Wizard" toolbar, it turns off.  However, when I exit and then restart Word, it turns itself back on again.  It is interesting that Excel 2003 doesn't behave this way (it remembers that I turned off the PDF toolbar)... only Word misbehaves in this fashion.

(3) When I start Word by double clicking on a document, I get an error "The command cannot be performed because the dialog box is open.  Click OK, and then close open dialog boxes to continue".  When I click OK, the document opens.  This only began after installing PDF Wizard.

(4) When I start Word without normally (not by clicking on a document), it quickly opens and then closes one blank document and then opens a second blank document.  At the top, it says, "Document2 - Microsoft Word" whereas normal behavior is to read, "Document1 - Microsoft Word".  This only began after installing PDF Wizard.

(5) In the menu bar at the top of the Word Window, there are two pull-down menus labeled "Docucom PDF" instead of just one.  It is interesting to note that this isn't happening in Excel, only in Word.

Hopefully all of these symptoms will help you point me in the right direction.  THANKS!


[This topic edited by niel8888 at 10/15/2006 3:18:42 AM ]

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Topic:● Turning off PDF Wizard Tool Bar in Word 2003..(2255 bytes) - niel8888,10/14/2006
    Replies:○ We will update the v7.91 soon to fix the "Document...(218 bytes) - zeonsupport,11/10/2006
    Replies:○ I have installed the newest version of DocuCo...(803 bytes) - PaulC,11/7/2006

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