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Home > Support > FAQ > Why does a 126 code error message box pop up while installing PDF Driver?
Why does a 126 code error message box pop up while installing PDF Driver?
This is a known problem in certain Windows versions without installing the needed patches.
The error code 126 says some necessary modules are missing when calling Windows API AddPrinterDriver() function.

Solution 1
There is a simple solution to this problem:
1. Please check if the "framedyn.dll" is available in your system, if not

2. Please copy the "framedyn.dll" from other Windows system to the corresponding system folder.
Path: Windows\system32\dllcache\framedyn.dll

3. Click Start and choose Run. Enter %SystemRoot%\system32\wbem, and click OK.

4. Right-click the file framedyn.dll in folder wbem and select Properties. If the file size is not 185,856 bytes, goto Step 5.

5. Click Start and choose Run. Enter %SystemRoot%\system32\dllcache, and click "OK".

6. Copy the file framedyn.dll in folder dllcache to folder wbem and replace the original one.

Solution 2
1> Right-click "My Computer" on the Start menu and select "Properties".

2> Click "Environment Variables" on tab "Advanced".

3> Choose "Path" in "System variables" list and click "Edit".

4> Add "%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;" into the text box "Variable value" and click "OK".

5> Restart your computer and install DocuCom PDF product again.
If the problem still exists, we recommend you to install the service pack for your XP machine.

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