| | |
 | I purchased maintenance service for my license. If I add more copies within the maintenance timeframe, what is the cost of maintenance for those new copies? | 2009-5-15 |
 | How do I change my account e-mail address? | 2009-5-15 |
 | I do not own a Zeon DocuCom product but saw the “www.pdfwizard.com” trial watermark in my Nuance/Scansoft’s Paperport, PDF Create Pro, or Omnipage documents. Why is this? | 2009-2-1 |
 | When I try activate, I get error code 107. What does this mean? | 2009-2-1 |
 | When I try to activate, I get error 0x20020221. What does this mean? | 2009-2-1 |
 | When I try to activate DocuCom 9 on Windows Vista it says I must “log in as administrator,” even though I already am. How do I activate? | 2009-2-1 |
 | How can I create customized dynamic stamps? | 2007-6-29 |
 | How to Bind My Licenses? | 2007-6-1 |
 | I already bound a serial number to my account. May I transfer the license to my friend? | 2007-6-1 |
 | How to retrieve New Serial Number for all Product Version after 7.77? (For 7.76 or earlier users only) | 2007-6-1 |
 | How to purchase an upgrade? | 2007-6-1 |
 | Why I cannot login Zeon's website? | 2007-5-22 |
 | Why I cannot install DocuCom PDF 7.X on Windows Vista? | 2007-4-30 |
 | During the installation, I receive the error "This installation package is not supported by this processor type. Contact your product vendor", why? | 2007-4-30 |
 | I cannot open PDF file link in Maxthon. Why? | 2007-4-4 |
 | How to control DocuCom PDF Driver programmatically? | 2007-2-13 |
 | How to insert PDF Reader OCX control into your VB project quickly and easily? | 2007-2-13 |
 | What is the "Deactivation Online" item in my account used for? | 2006-12-26 |
 | Why do I receive the error code "-371" when buying at your online store? | 2006-9-20 |
 | The Serial Number is already been registered, can you change the registration to me? | 2006-4-3 |
 | Why can't I convert multi-page TIFF files? | 2006-2-15 |
 | I installed AutoCAD application, but could not convert any *.dwg file with PDF Direct!, why? | 2006-1-20 |
 | All of icons on toolbar line vertically and in a mess, how to get PDF Plus back to normal? | 2006-1-20 |
 | I want to create PDF file from doc. files by programming, which product should I choose? | 2006-1-19 |
 | How to download the PDF Reader OCX (SDK edition)'s installer? | 2006-1-18 |
 | How to control DocuCom PDF Driver programmatically? | 2006-1-17 |
 | Is compression method ZIP different from JPEG? | 2006-1-17 |
 | How to suppress "Save as" dialogue box? | 2006-1-17 |
 | How to retrieve the Key File I lost? | 2006-1-17 |
 | PDF filename problem --- 1 character filename only. | 2005-11-25 |
 | Any time I right-clicked a file, the Zeon installation dialog box would appear. Why? | 2005-11-25 |
 | No VB or VC source codes are available after installing PDF Reader OCX. | 2005-11-25 |
 | How to add dynamic fields to Header and Footer -- such as page number, date, author and so on? | 2005-11-25 |
 | What if the PDF files created by PDF Driver is different from the source files? | 2005-11-25 |
 | Why the files generated by PDF Driver are larger than the source files? | 2005-11-25 |
 | Why is the page size different from the one I set in "General >> Paper Size of Driver"? | 2005-11-25 |
 | How can I convert HTML files that with hyperlinks into PDF? | 2005-11-24 |
 | How to purchase additional licenses for corporate customers? | 2005-7-1 |
 | How to share DocuCom PDF Driver across corporate network? | 2005-4-10 |
 | How to insert PDF Reader OCX control into your VC project quickly and easily? | 2005-1-13 |
 | Can PDF Driver support PostScript language? | 2005-1-10 |
 | Does your product DocuCom only work on Windows | 2004-3-31 |
 | How is the compatibility of DocuCom with Acrobat | 2004-3-31 |
 | Why Fonts are wrongly substituted? | 2004-3-31 |
 | What is the difference between ZIP and JPEG compression method? | 2004-3-31 |