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Reader%23%21OCX%23%21doesn%26%2339%3Bt%23%21open%23%21pdf%23%21files%23%21within%23%21Borland%23%21C%2B%2B%23%21Builder%23%216%23%21application - Powered By Zeon Corporation
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 Topic:Reader OCX doesn't open pdf files within Borland C++ Builder 6 application  

Reader OCX doesn't open pdf files within Borland C++ Builder 6 application


We're having trouble to initialize the ocx to view a pdf file within a C++ application wit Borland C++ Builder6.

We imported the ocx into a package and registered the ocx with regsvr32.

We try to initialize the ocx with
        ret = pdfViewer->Initialize(WideString(""));
The return value is "-1", which is correct, since we don't have a valid key yet.

We try to open a file like this: 
       ret = pdfViewer->OpenFile(fileName, WideString("")); 
The return value is "-16", which is confusing, since we can't figure out why the file cannot be opened.

Is there something that we 're missing out on how to use the ocx? Could you please tell me what I'm doing wrong to initialize the ocx? If possible please provide a short sample code of how to integrate the ocx within BCB6.

Best regards,
Michael Voigt

12/9/2005 12:22:32 AM   Other topic By this author Quote this topic reply this topic
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Topic:● Reader OCX doesn';t open pdf files within ..(1261 bytes) - U417920,12/9/2005
    Replies:○ Re:Reader OCX doesn';t open pdf files with..(943 bytes) - znsupport,1/12/2006
    Replies:○ Could you send a sample project to support@pdfwiza...(137 bytes) - znsupport,12/20/2005

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