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Reader%23%21OCX%23%21doesn%26%2339%3Bt%23%21open%23%21pdf%23%21files%23%21within%23%21Borland%23%21C%2B%2B%23%21Builder%23%216%23%21application - Powered By Zeon Corporation
Forum > > DocuCom PDF Products > DocuCom PDF Reader OCX > Reader OCX doesn't open pdf files within Borland C++ Builder 6 application

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 Topic:Reader OCX doesn't open pdf files within Borland C++ Builder 6 application  


Could you send a sample project to for further investigation?
12/20/2005 11:52:24 AM   Other topic By this author Quote this topic reply this topic
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Topic:● Reader OCX doesn';t open pdf files within ..(1261 bytes) - U417920,12/9/2005
    Replies:○ Re:Reader OCX doesn';t open pdf files with..(943 bytes) - znsupport,1/12/2006
    Replies:○ Could you send a sample project to support@pdfwiza...(137 bytes) - znsupport,12/20/2005

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