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 Topic:Parse PDF?  

Parse PDF?

Do you offer any tools to parse the text out of a PDF file, that can be called from VB/VC++/C#? Specifically we get reports in PDF and need to be able to extract the text programmatically. NOTE that it cannot be Stand Alone (such as PDF Gold) as it must be able to run unattended via programmatic control.

Thanks in advance,


9/29/2005 2:08:36 AM   Other topic By this author Quote this topic reply this topic
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Topic:● Parse PDF?(407 bytes) - mschoonmaker,9/29/2005
    Replies:○ Is it possible to fetch the Each Page size (A4, A3...(102 bytes) - bandaru,2/12/2006
    Replies:○ Re:Parse PDF?(499 bytes) - znsupport,11/9/2005

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