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 Topic:Parse PDF?  

Re:Parse PDF?

If you want to get the text of the page content, you can call some APIs as below:

  • Call PDDocCreateWordFinderEX() to get PDWordFinder
  • Call PDWordFinderAcquireWordList() to get word list and the number of words of the page content
  • Call PDWordFinderGetNthWord() to get the N-th word
  • ...

For further help, please contact directly. 

11/9/2005 4:42:50 PM   Other topic By this author Quote this topic reply this topic
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Topic:● Parse PDF?(407 bytes) - mschoonmaker,9/29/2005
    Replies:○ Is it possible to fetch the Each Page size (A4, A3...(102 bytes) - bandaru,2/12/2006
    Replies:○ Re:Parse PDF?(499 bytes) - znsupport,11/9/2005

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