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Trying%23%21OpenFile%23%21Using%23%21PDFReaderOCX - Powered By Zeon Corporation
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 Topic:Trying OpenFile Using PDFReaderOCX  

Re:Trying OpenFile Using PDFReaderOCX

The code you used is correct.
Please make sure that you have used the full path name as the parameter "Where".

The return value is -1, that means the file does not exist or is not accessable.
Would the problem be reproduced if you open another separated PDF file?

If the problem still exists, please send your PDF file to
We will get back to you after investigation.

9/16/2005 4:38:59 PM   Other topic By this author Quote this topic reply this topic
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Topic:● Trying OpenFile Using PDFReaderOCX(427 bytes) - mozzie101,9/9/2005
    Replies:○ Re:Trying OpenFile Using PDFReaderOCX(524 bytes) - znsupport,9/16/2005

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