Re:JavaScript support
Quote: The topic is posted byjobastick at 8/9/2005 7:49:33 PM :
Hi, does DocuCom PDF Gold support JavaSctipt? If yes, is there any Java script reference for it? How much is JavaScript supoprted comparing to Adob Acrobat? Thanks
1> DocuCom PDF Gold supports JavaScript. 2> Sorry, there is no formal JavaScript Reference at present. 3> The supported JavaScript are: (A) app Object Properties: formVersion, viewerType, viewerVariation Methods: alert, beep, response (B) this Object Properties: dirty, numFields, numPages, path, title, creator Methods: getField, getNthFieldName, resetForm (C) field Object Properties: alignment, borderStyle, buttonAlignX, buttonAlignY, buttonPosition, buttonScaleHow, buttonScaleWhen, charLimit, currentValueIndices, defaultValue, doNotScroll, doNotSpellCheck, display, editable, hidden, highlight, lineWidth, multiline, mutipleSelection, numItems, password, print, required, strokeColor, fillColor, textColor, name, type, value, valuAsString, doc, textFont, userName Methods: setFocus, getArray, buttonGetCaption, buttonSetCaption, buttonGetIcon, buttonImportIcon, buttonSetIcon, checkThisBox, clearItems, defaultIsChecked, isBoxChecked, isDefaultChecked, deleteItemAt, getItemAt, InsertItemAt, setItems, setAction, flatten (D) Event Object Properties: change, changeEx, commitKey, keyDown, modifier, name, rc, selEnd, selStart, shift, source, target, targetName, type, value, willCommit (E) Console Object Methods: show, hide, clear, println