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Forum > > DocuCom PDF Products > DocuCom PDF Server > How to setup PDF server in client & server side?

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 Topic:How to setup PDF server in client & server side?  

Re:How to setup PDF server in client & server side?

You may install PDF Server on the Terminal Server machine at first.

When the user logs onto the Terminal Server, he (or she) will find a virtual printer named "DocuCom PDF Driver" has been installed. The user can "print" the source files to this printer for PDF conversion.

3/2/2006 3:04:43 PM   Other topic By this author Quote this topic reply this topic
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Topic:● How to setup PDF server in client & server side?..(53 bytes) - itsupport,5/27/2005
    Replies:○ Re:How to setup PDF server in client & server sid..(332 bytes) - znsupport,3/2/2006
    Replies:○ Re:How to setup PDF server in client & server sid..(607 bytes) - znsupport,11/18/2005
        Replies:○ Re:Re:How to setup PDF server in client (391 bytes) - rrossell,2/24/2006
    Replies:○ I have read your reference path, but I still didn&...(142 bytes) - itsupport,7/13/2005
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