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 Topic:How to convert an excel file into PDF


  • Open your *. xls file with
  • Set any layout from the menu Format/Page ...
  • Therefore, 2 solutions to transform your PDF document:
    • For the traditional menu: File/Export to PDF ...
    • By the icon in the menu (faster) to the left of the printericon: The icon for turning PDF files is just a generic PDF (red symbolon white background PDF file).
  • In the dialog that appears:
    • Choose the location to save the future PDF and his name
    • then click Export
  • A dialog window showing the properties of the future appears PDF:
    • General tab: contains the file name *. doc original (forrecall) but you can also choose to digitally signed with digitalsignature ... and manage the identities
    • Description tab: enter the data describing the PDF file (title, subject, keywords, comments)
    • User tab: optional
    • Internet tab: according to your needs
    • Statistics tab
    • Click OK and you're done.
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6/12/2011 3:31:19 PM   Other topic By this author Quote this topic reply this topic
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Topic:● How to convert an excel file into PDF(395 bytes) -,7/17/2009
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