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 Topic:Driver does not print from Lotus Approach

Driver does not print from Lotus Approach
Since Adobe PDF driver does not work with my Approach, I have been trying alternatives. DocuCom works about half the time but I was wondering if there is a reason why the trial does not work all the time. If there is no work around to making it work, I will end up not buying. If I can get it to work every time, I will definitely buy. I currently have it set to print to a local folder with the filename already input. I also have it set to increment the file name numerically. 300 dpi, 75% magnification. How do I get it to work?
12/28/2008 9:38:12 AM   Other topic By this author Quote this topic reply this topic
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Topic:● Driver does not print from Lotus Approach(636 bytes) -,12/28/2008
    Replies:○ I have used this driver with Approach many times, ...(445 bytes) -,7/18/2009

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