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How%23%21to%23%21create%23%21PDF%23%21file%23%21from%23%21scanner%3F - Powered By Zeon Corporation
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 Topic:How to create PDF file from scanner?  


What do you need? Scan paper document and use OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to rocognize text and image, then save to PDF file? Or just simply scan and save as image, then convert to PDF for distribution and exchange? 

5/16/2007 4:24:05 PM   Other topic By this author Quote this topic reply this topic
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Topic:● How to create PDF file from scanner?(42 bytes) - kflou,5/16/2007
    Replies:○ What do you need? Scan paper document and use...(286 bytes) - zeonsupp,5/16/2007
    Replies:○ At the moment, our PDF Gold 8 cannot directly scan...(340 bytes) - zeonsupp,5/16/2007

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