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 Topic:Printing in VB  

Printing in VB

I try to print but the Print-Method creates an error (438: Object doesn't support this property or method)

My VB-Code:

  Dim lngRet As Long
  Dim objPDFPrint As PDFREADEROCXLib.IPDFReaderPrint
  lngRet = Me.PDFReaderOCX1.GetPrintDispatch(objPDFPrint)
  If lngRet <> 0 Then
    MsgBox "Das Dokument kann nicht gedruckt werden.", vbOKOnly, "PDF Dokument drucken"
    objPDFPrint.showPrintDialog = True
  End If
  Set objPDFPrint = Nothing

3/4/2005 12:40:23 AM   Other topic By this author Quote this topic reply this topic
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Topic:● Printing in VB(785 bytes) - hkammerer,3/4/2005
    Replies:○ Re:Printing in VB(110 bytes) - znsupport,12/30/2005
    Replies:○ hey,man,are you still here? add my msn(dakwing@hot...(316 bytes) - louisdeng,5/8/2005

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