Large file creation problem
I'm using a GIS software product (Maptitude v4.7 from Caliper Corp). When I attempt to specify a large drawing (anything > "letter", "legal", etc) the page created is reduced to only the margins themselves, with the center of the PDF file at 0,0. For instance, if margins are set to 0.5" left & right, and 1.0" top & bottom, with a page size of 24" x 30", then the resulting page is shown as 1" wide x 2" high, with the center of the drawing centered about the 0,0 position. This behavior does not occur with Acrobat 7.0 nor with current CutePDF Writer with current Ghostscript PS2PDF converter. I'm using Docucom v7.90 R2. Why is this happening only with Docucom? Bug report also submitted separately.