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Installation%23%21Error%23%21%2DAddPrinterDriver%23%21%2D%23%21The%23%21specified%23%21module%23%21could%23%21not%23%21be%23%21found - Powered By Zeon Corporation
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 Topic:Installation Error -AddPrinterDriver - The specified module could not be found  

Installation Error -AddPrinterDriver - The specified module could not be found

Just downloaded version 8 and purchased an extra licence. Installed okay on two PC's (XP Pro SP2 and XP Home SP2) but it will not install on to my laptop (XP Pro SP2). Gets part way through the installation then comes up with an error window headed "AddPrinterDriver Cause of failure:" with nothing after the colon and with the narrative in the window of "The specified module could not be found". Click on OK, the only option, and it then rollsback the installation.

Can anyone help?

6/11/2007 11:10:59 PM   Other topic By this author Quote this topic reply this topic
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Topic:● Installation Error -AddPrinterDriver - The specif..(585 bytes) - javicuk,6/11/2007
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