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 Topic:Changing Page layouts  

Changing Page layouts


i try to print some drawings to pdf with docu com pdf driver 7.85. There are some default page layouts, for example A3. On default the orientation is wrong for me, 297x420mm, it means portrait. I need a landscape format, but where can i change this permanently? I found only the way with custom layouts,but then i have some other problems.

How can i add large layouts like A0, A1 or A2 to the standard layouts? I's also possible with custom formats, but when i print with VB6, i cant use this customs. But i dont know the reason. Can anybody help me?


BEst regards

6/6/2007 8:00:52 PM   Other topic By this author Quote this topic reply this topic
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Topic:● Changing Page layouts(740 bytes) - christianz,6/6/2007
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